Thursday, July 28, 2011

Swimming Fun

We have been so busy this week with two of my kids in swimming lessons. They are having so much fun learning how to float and paddle in the water. It is a little sad to see them growing up. Skyler is so awesome. He can swim rather well for a four year old. He is going to be very active when he gets into school. Kaitlyn is also doing well. I was worried about her and not wanting to learn for fear of getting hurt or something. But she took it like a fish in water. My kids are just getting to big.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Crafty Mommy

A friend of mine started making flower bows and so I went to Walmart and bought flowers but then I noticed they made some really cute ribbon. So I got online and goggled bow making and found several patterns I liked. Buying bows at Walmart wasn't great because they always fell apart to easily and I wanted Kaitlyn to have bows that would last. So I started making bows. Then I realized why not make other things. I love to crocehet but I have only ever made blankets. So looked on line for other patterns that wouldn't take so long. I   bought the looms to make hats and I started making hats with those and I have started crochet baby hats. I hope to start crocheting little booties and scarfs. I also have crocheted bracelets which are really cute and inexpensive. Here are some of the things I have made in the last few weeks. Just wanted to show off how much fun I have been having with new crafts.

Doll hat

Curly hair bows
3 tier flower

Beaded bracelets
Single tier flower

Baby bows
Halloween bows

Infant hat
Forth of July bows

Loopy flower Bow
Button flower

Big Flowers

Baby flowers

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Aren't they cute. I need to get them into gymnastics.

Yep I made that. Well the dress not the monkey top. Those are her jammies underneath.

                                                         He isn't sure if he wants to be up there.

                                                       What am I gonna do with this boy.

                                                              Daddy and his baby

                                                              He is my go to kid.

                                     I can't believe she is going to be six soon. Where did the time go.

                                                                          He is so cute!

                                                                       Daddy and his girl

                                                          He thinks he is a big boy.

                                            What a ragamuffin. I wish she would have left her hair up.

                                              Clean and dressed for church. Hope it last.


My kids were awesome hikers. They had so much fun hiking and playing in all the red sand.
Isn't he adorable!
My awesome kids
My little family.
This was one of the windows in the national park.
 My kids loved climbing all the stairs.
 We are at the Double Arches.
"Whew! We need a break"
Poor little guy was worn out from all the walking.
 This was at our campground.
I can't believe how big they are getting
Skyler is a little fish. He loves to swim. He is in swimming lessons right now and he is taking to it so fast.
He wasn't so sure about getting into the water.
 Our campsite had a little mini golf course there. The kids had so much fun.
Kaitlyn is going to be a pro golfer. She had the former down very quickly.