I am going to lose it. Kaitlyn is 3 and still will not poo on the potty. I do not know what to do. I have bribed with toys, stickers, given praise. My third child is on his way and I still have two in diapers. Kaitlyn is pee trained but I can't get her to do the other. I want to scream. I am pleading for help. I have 6 weeks left and would love it if she was all the way potty trained. I thought at first it was her just regressing but it has been 5 months and no progress. I admit she did it once but I think it scared her that she will not to it again. I try to tell her that she won't be able to go to preschool next year until she potty trains but she will not be swayed. She is so stubborn. Any ideas?
Hey Debbie. It's Jen's crazy neighbor, Kayleen. My only suggestion is that you take her to the dollar store to pick out her own treat, or toy, then it is more motivation because she gets to do it herself. It makes it easier too if she is sitting on a kid size potty, with her feet on the floor, gives her something to push against. She might have some of the "back up" problem that Brookie has, make sure that she is drinking enough, and high fiber won't hurt. Or lots of juice. Hope it helps!
Thanks kayleen. Actually I have bribed Kaitlyn and she will go once but then after that she won't do it again. Also she had that back up problem but she is pretty regular now. I think the time she went it scared her and now she relates scary to potty all the time now which is frustrating because sometimes she won't go potty in the other form. I will keep trying and hope that some day soon she will. Thanks.
Hi! I know how hard this can be - my youngest had the hardest time too and was stubborn to the core about learning to potty train. We eventually just decided to not let her wear diapers at some point and she once went once or twice in her underwear ... and it forced her to go. That's what worked for us. And yes, she would scream about not wearing diapers, but it was either go in her underwear or the potty and she eventually chose the potty because she didn't want to walk around wet. :) Good luck! I know how hard it is to potty train!
Ok Debbie, this is what we did for Daxton. We bought him a toy that he really wanted and make sure that they pick the toy. Then when we got home we had it in plain sight for him to see it but he couldn't play with it until he had filled up a chart. That's pretty much what we did for Daxton to be potty trained and it worked for him. We got the idea from Mat's sister because I didn't want 3 in diapers either.
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