Everyone always talks about New Years Resolutions. I don't like to call them that because I never seem to keep them. I like to call them goals because for some reason it is easier to keep my goals then anything else. I make big goals but then I break it down on how I am going to accomplish that goal.
Number one goal for the year is to start getting fit. I didn't want to put a specific amount of weight because just as long as I feel good about how far I have come in a year it doesn't matter what the scale says. I can't even really start losing weight until I have my baby. So I am going to have to work on eating right so that I will be on the right track when the baby comes. I already exercise but can't wait to really work up a sweat. I think I am addicted to exercising because I love how I feel after I exercise and because I have tons of exercise videos. I like variety. I also bought a used treadmill so that when my husband is doing homework at night I can walk while we watch t.v. I also purchased workout music to keep me upbeat so that I can keep a steady beat. I love to sweat and I love how by body pulse after I have worked hard. I don't know why it is so hard to lose weight but I love to watch the biggest loser or at least the progress of the people losing weight. It is motivation to me to watch some one work hard and get results. I think to myself, if they can do it so can I. The way to losing weight is eating right but also in small portions and more often. Our bodies work better when we give them a little at a time. Our metabolisms need to be fed but if done in small amounts, it will always be working, so the food doesn't have time to stick to our bodies because our metabolisms are on fire burning the food into energy to keep up with us. Also if we are drinking lots of water it flushes out our systems get all the yuck and gunk out. It wasn't until a month or two before I got pregnant that I finally started to lose weight and it was because I was eating smaller meals more often and drinking lots of water and exercising (of course). I know that it works.
My second goal is spiritually and mentally healthy. I think the two go hand in hand. If you are reading your scriptures, writing in your journal, serving, reading other church material it really can help your mental and spiritual health. When I am doing the things I am suppose to be doing I feel better about myself as a person. I find that I am not as hard on myself. We are our own worst critics.
My third and last goal for this year is to be a better mom. With the third baby on the way I need to make sure to make time for my other two precious spirits. I need to learn to use my time better to make sure no child if feeling neglected or allow them to feel like the baby is the only one that matters. I would rather play with my child and make sure they are getting the attention they need, then have a clean house. If I knew how to balance the two or were a superwoman then I am sure I would have a clean house and have time for kids but I am not that talented yet. I am sure once I learn to manage making time for my kids, the other will fall into place. I can have my kids help and that can be together time but believe me it isn't something I want to do as an activity all the time with them. I much prefer playing with them then cleaning.
So these are my goals. Now I need to break them up so that I won't be overwhelming myself and give up before I have even started. I think that is why everyone's goals are the same each year because we overload, then we give up and then we tell ourselves that we gave it our best try and that we will just have to try harder next year. That is why goals are great. You can break them up and work up to them to accomplish what you have set out to do. I know because it took my almost a year to write in my journal every day. It was so worth it in the end though, because looking through the year I can read my journal entries and see how far I have come in just one year.
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9 years ago
These are wonderful goals! Good luck and I am sure you can accomplish them. This has inspired me to write some of my own. :)
Such a cute family! When is your exact due date? I hope all goes well. Let me know of a day that I can come and give you dinner.
Oh yeah and my name is spelled Camey :)
Oh yeah one more thing. Don't you love pinching your pennies!
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