I wonder where someone came up with the phrase terrible two's. Skyler Erickson turned two yesterday and quiet honestly it threw me. I had honestly thought he was two because he acts older then his sister did at this age. He is already talking in sentences, and doing a lot of the same things Kaitlyn does. The one thing he didn't do was throw huge tantrums. It was normal for him to get mad but not a huge tantrum. The first time he threw a tantrum was a few days ago and when he was thrashing around, I kept thinking to myself, "what has gotten into him?" He has always had a temper, from the day he was born it was either screaming and yelling or being sweet as an angel. There have hardly been times when it has been in between, but this tantrum he threw was the biggest tantrum ever. He threw himself on the floor, kicking walls, screaming at the top of his lungs. I could believe Kaitlyn was able to sleep through this. It wasn't until he hit his head that he calmed down. It wasn't hard mind you but it was enough to send me flying up the stairs to his rescue. I told him it was his own fault that he had hit his head, and he says ,"uh huh. Kiss better." As soon as I kissed it better he calmed down. I was shocked. I had try to ration with him earlier but it wouldn't work. I guess he needed a distraction to get his mind off what ever it was he was throwing a tantrum about.
How am I going to survive this? Kaitlyn wasn't into throwing huge full fledged tantrums. You would think after two years I would be use to Skyler's screaming but I think he has taken to a whole new level. I can't believe how crazy it has been. I do think part of the reason is because he can feel a change in the air. He might not realize another little person will be joining our family but I think he can sense it. Any advice would be wonderful. They should make a pill or something for tantrums. They make pills for colic, gas and other wonderful things are kids go through so why not a calmer pill when they throw tantrums.
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9 years ago
Omg! I am having the same issues with Ben right now. It's unbelievable the screaming and whining he does. It's enough to make me go crazy!! I can't wait for him to grow out of it...hopefully, we'll cross our fingers. In the meantime, good luck!
hey debbie,
so i didn't even know you had a blog till i followed the link from sara's. nice. it's so awesome that we have to use blogs to keep up with each other even though we live like a block and a half away.
Good luck with that! I think the best thing to do is remove them from the scene, distract them with something else or just put them somewhere that they are safe and let them calm down. (kinda like time out, but cool down time)
I agree. A pill would be nice! We should get our kids together sometime. Spencer will be 2 next month and I ma sure they would have fun!
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